Club Resources#
To provide a fun and positive experience that will instill a lifelong love of skating.
As you begin your journey on the ice, you will quickly realize that you are learning so much more than how to skate. You will be infused with the joy of improving every time you try something new. Each time you fall, you will strengthen your confidence to get back up and try again. While learning the importance of balance, discipline and tenacity, you will be reassured that even the greatest challenges can be overcome. These are more than lessons in skating; they are essential lessons of life.
Learn to Skate USA, powered by Toyota, makes these lessons easy and fun. Through our world-class curriculum and nationally certified instructors, you will be enthusiastic about learning to skate—from your first steps on the ice until the time you reach your goals. Whether you wish to enjoy the recreational benefits of skating or dream of Olympic fame, this is the place to start.
The only ice skating program endorsed by U.S. Figure Skating, USA Hockey, US Speedskating and the Special Olympics, Learn to Skate USA offers every participant a rewarding experience rooted in the lifelong benefits of ice skating.
- Teach children and adults the fundamentals of ice skating while building confidence and skills through each lesson.
- Provide a progressive curriculum that ensures success from the first steps on the ice to the mastery of advanced skills.
- Promote the health and fitness benefits of ice skating.
- Equip each participant with the foundation necessary to reach their goal, be it recreational or competitive in nature.
- A goal-oriented program that provides incentive and encouragement to keep skaters motivated.
- A personalized approach that allows skaters to progress at their own rate and advance after skill mastery is demonstrated.
- A curriculum that offers something for everyone—from first steps on the ice to mastering advanced techniques.
- Solid skill development based upon the ABCs of basic athleticism—Agility, Balance, Coordination and speed.
- A progressive system that upon completion of the program, allows skaters to confidently advance to more specialized areas of skating.
- Access to continued education and resources for parents of young skaters to assist with making the appropriate decisions along the way.
- Nationally certified Learn to Skate USA instructors, assistants and volunteers.
- A world-class and proven system that provides program directors with all the tools necessary to establish, develop and deliver a quality skating business.
- A customizable program that is available to all ice facilities, recreation departments, figure skating clubs, hockey associations, speed skating clubs, individual skating instructors, colleges, universities and other organizations to administer.
POWERED BY endorsed by
Interested in trying the sport and want to find a club in your area? Click HERE for our club directory!
Have you fallen in love with the sport of speed skating but don’t have a club in your area? You can start your own club! See the links below for advice.
Rink Manager's Guide to having a Speedskating Club
Club Registration
If you are a new direct club in development, and would like to apply to become an officially sanctioned club by USS for the upcoming skating season, application materials listed below will be due by July 1st each year. Once received, your application will be submitted for further review to the USS Membership & Development Task Force. Please note US Speedskating (USS) is governed by a Board of Directors who are elected by the membership of USS, this board has adopted this model as the acceptable form of governance for its sanctioned clubs. Clubs wishing to become sanctioned by USS must have by-laws that establish the rules for the election of officers and/or board members by the Club's membership and that explicitly state the qualifications and terms of the elected officials.
To complete your application by July 1st, please follow the instructions below:
- Fill out the Application online
Login to your USS account
Click View Profile
Click +Setup Club and follow the steps
- Follow the checkout process and pay the $100 Direct Club Fee (or if you are registered with an Association have them contact USS to add you)
- Upload a copy of the Club bylaws
- Upload a copy of the most recent Club Board meeting minutes
Please note that all officers of the club (in the positions of President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer) are required to be members of USS within 30 days of club renewal/approval.
Should you have any questions, please email
Now that you have started your own club, it's time to get the word out and start marketing to your local community! Follow these basic tips below to get started:
- Stay up-to-date with current trends on social media with the help of your skaters!
- Social Media, Social Media, Social Media.
- Have clear objectives. What are you trying to accomplish?
- Have a way to measure the results of your efforts.
- Network in your community.
- Develop a relationship with the local reporters in your area.
- Get community organizations involved in promoting your events.
Questions? Please reach out to
Available Promotional Templates:
Flyers Short Track
Full Page Half Page Flyer Poster
Flyers Long Track (female)
Full Page Half Page Flyer Poster
Flyers Long Track (male)
Full Page Half Page Flyer Poster
Promotional Stickers:
USS LT USS ST USS Kids ST Kids blue ST Kids pink ST Teens red ST Teens blue
Info Material
Attracting and Keeping New Skaters
School Presentation about Speedskating
About Speedskating
Learn to Speedskate
SPONSORSHIP IS NOT ABOUT PHILANTHROPY. It is about connecting the ideals of one brand to another and showing a return on investment. Memorize that phrase, burn it into your brain. Even if you’re a small club looking for small businesses in your area to sponsor you, people still want to know how their sponsorship (or donation) will help and how their money will be used. So make sure you have a well-thought-out proposal that gives your sponsor something in return. Here are some tips from the USS Sponsorship team to help you through the process.