• Development Vision
  • American Development Model
  • Testing Guide
  • Physical Literacy
  • 85m Track
  • Competition Recommendations

American Development Model#


The United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee, in partnership with the National Governing Bodies, created the American Development Model in 2014 to help Americans realize their full athletic potential and utilize sport as a path toward an active and healthy lifestyle. The model utilizes long-term athlete development and quality coaching concepts to promote sustained physical activity, athlete safety and age-appropriate development with the aim of creating a positive experience for American athletes across all levels of sport.
The ADM is a visual concept designed to help guide consumers and NGBs toward building and delivering programs that are focused on the individual athlete. The visual model illustrates age-appropriate expectations and concepts for each stage of development.

By using the ADM, sport clubs, coaches and parents can help maximize potential for America’s youth and improve the health and well-being for future generations in the United States. The model outlines best practices in the areas of coach training, parent engagement, NGB and sport club administration and overall athlete safety.