Short Track Junior World Team Selected at Junior Championships

by US Speedskating

This past weekend the USS Short Track Junior Championships was held at the Pettit National Ice Center in Milwaukee, WI. 

Over the course of three days of racing, junior skaters rose to the occasion and gave it their all as they competed for a spot on the Junior World Championship Team. Marcus Howard won the 1000m Distance Classification and the Overall Title for the men. In the 500m, it was Seung-Min Kwon who won the Distance Classification, while Wesley Park won the 1500m Distance Classification. On the women’s side, Kamryn Lute won all three Distance Classification Titles, which also gave her the Overall Classification Title. Battling it out for second place throughout the competition were Louisiana Stahl and Grace Lee.

The amount of talent that is coming through the development pipeline gives USS many reasons to be excited for the bright future of short track speed skating in the U.S.. There were a total of four women and four men named to the 2022 ISU Junior World Championship Short Track Team:


Eunice Lee

Kamryn Lute

Louisiana Stahl

Katherine Liu


Marcus Howard

Seung-Min Kwon

Wesley Park

Alec Sklutovski

Thank you to the Pettit National Ice Center for hosting the ST Junior Championships,” commented Events and Membership Director Marion Wohlrab. “And thank you to all the volunteers and officials who provide a fair and professional racing environment!

Congratulations to everyone who competed, especially those who will be representing the United States at the 2022 ISU Junior World Championships Short Track event in Gdansk, Poland. We wish them the very best of luck and are excited to support them in the months and years ahead!