We would like to recognize and congratulate our top performing masters from the previous season. For the first time, the US Speedskating and Masters Committee will be naming the USS LT & ST Masters Team as well as our MAT/MST I, II, & III Teams. To earn these honors, the qualifying athletes must rank within a certain percentage of USS masters at domestic competitions or among a certain percentage of masters at international competitions. In addition to achieving rank, masters must also meet strict time standards which are measured against the international masters community. The following athletes represent the highest achievers among USS masters. The 23/24 season’s qualifying procedures and timetables are published in the respective LT & ST Rules & Regulations document. We hope you join us for another competitive season! For more info on all things masters, please visit the new Masters Webpage.
USS Masters Team
Short Track
Eddie Kim
Gary Martin
Masters MST I
Keith Wobbler
Daniel Butler
Tim Van Fleet
Jason Lin
Masters MST II
Mary Murphy
Elise Griffiths
Sara Cushman
Melissa Koenig
Duree Brown
Daniel Greene
USS Masters Team
Long Track
Austin Carlson
Stephen Muir
Andrew Love
Dan Carney
Jeff Terwilliger
Matthew Trimble
Bruce Conner
Vince Morris
Rebecca Simmons
Cherise Wilkins
Melissa Dahlmann
Mary Brophy Magnus
Barb Johnson
Judith Smouter
Masters Mat I
Nathalie Rodrigue-Hasselback
Jonathan Kuck
Tavis Trosen
Mark Yanagihara
Jens Johansson
Uel Archuletta
Bruce Anderson
Martin Hair
Thomas Cole
John Diemont
Masters Mat II
Julie Gehring
Heidi Dahlmann
Nicole Zayatz
Kaari Cox
Kathy Feinberg
Joanna Walters
Joshua Krieter
Michael Burdekin
Orion Gatrell
Michael Hubbs
Chris Ord
Dan Weinstein
Jonathan Furminger
Theron Sands
Olusegun Sijuwade
Jeremy Kerslake
Nathan Feinberg
Mark Nolan
Gary Groen
Kate Stewart
Debbie Hoffman
Chase Vanderbilt
Jonathan Winter
Chris Chmura
Michael Jernquist